CIVSA collaborates with different Special Employment Centers to help provide work to people with disabilities.

Among them we can highlight

LISMI states hat all companies and institutions employing a number of 50 or more, they are required to reserve a 2% of the workforce for workers with disabilities (i.e., having a certificate of at least 33% of disability).

Alternative measures have been exceptionally put in place for compliance with this Law, offering the possibility that, exceptionally, companies will be exempted from this obligation if they take alternative actions, planned and approved by the, then, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

These include the possibility for the company to invest an equivalent amount in goods, services or donations in a special employment centre (CEE).

On the contrary, non-compliance is an infringement criminalized as serious, punishable by fines, plus the prohibition of contracting with the administration and the automatic loss of the right to obtain any type of aid from employment programs.